Are you looking for an alternative heat source …
… and number one on your priority list is that it must use a renewable environmentally friendly heat source? Let us introduce you to the Masonry Heater. This renewable heat source is certainly not new to Europe, Eurasia and the Netherlands, but here in the United States it is in it’s infancy, but we would like to change that. Arrogance has us believing that we are the first generation to be concerned with the earth and all it’s precious energy sources but that is a fallacy. Mankind has always been keenly aware how precious the resource that generates heat is; but have we always understood the resource and it’s renewability, probably not. As man evolved it became evident that traditional open fireplaces were inefficient. They used too much precious wood and weren’t able to warm larger structures. The need for a more efficient appliance to warm homes, palaces, castles, convents and monasteries gave birth to the Masonry Heater. Many of these original heaters and Kachelofen (Wood-burning masonry heaters with ceramic tile exteriors) can still be found today in European homes and museums housing stunning heaters that were turned into true pieces of art by talented craftsmen thousands of years ago. So, why haven’t we heard more about this type of appliance here in the United States? Good question, but we honestly don’t know. There are probably many reasons why, though be that as it may, Masonry Heaters are growing in interest and popularity.
Ready to Talk?
If you are thinking about installing a wood burning stove or gas fireplace, talk to us first to learn about a better option.